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Jessy :)

Hi there Dani !!! So, been following your work for a while, love the stuff you create :) But, just as a simple feedback, it feels super weird the way you treat your own sets, you know, you give zero hype for them. Ive beem following a bunch of amazing peeps on different platforms, and i see every one going crazy on the descriptions, from JN, M Turney, to Djari who just started, they create this awesome hype describing the pics, poses, and setting the vibe, and then, you post your set, and literally say: "hi guys, this set has 35 pics, goodbye." Like... what ? thats it ??? As the person on the other side, the person reading, the potential buyer, it always gives me the feeling you hate the stuff lol. Im legit not kidding, it feels like you dislike every single part about that, and you just gave up :( . Girl, youre beautiful, hot, likes cool stuff, have good taste for the pics, hype that sets !!! We need to see that the model loves what shes doing, instead of hating every moment. You're selling us sets, make us vibe for the pics !!! Because the way it is now, its legit a bit uncomfortable. So, you have already a bunch of sets, use then as training if it helps, you know, edit the descriptions, write cool stuff to practice, and lets hype and vibe the next ones you post !!! Wish you all the best, have a good day :)

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Danielle VedovelliCreator

Hi Jessy! Thanks for your feedback, it helps a lot! To be honest with you it's purely because I never know how to describe the sets 😅 Don't get me wrong, I love my work! Even seeing some flaws on every set (like a normal human being lmao), I love them! it's just that I don't know what to highlight??? I'll definitely need to work on that! 😁 Thank you again 🙏

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Danielle VedovelliCreator

Jessy!!! Let me know what you think. Did an experiment with special Chun Li set:

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Jessy :)

Dani, this new Chun description is already SO much better compared to the latest ones you were doing!!! In fact, you not only describe, but you wrote in a way that felt like Chun Li herself talking about her day, with the "i cant find my dress so ill stay in my l ingerie", that was super cute !!! And that was exactly what i was talking before with making the viewers and the model vibe together with the description, you create the mood, and we go through your words and start to crave for the pics 😁. About what you said, that you never know how to describe the sets, here is my view on that (just, keep in mind, in not a model, im just a girl who loves to see girls empowering themselves) - Do not treat details as details, always treat details as information. And throw all information possible on the post, because that helps on the creation. The more you extract from the pics, more things you'll find to write about. Nothing is small as a detail here. For exemple, the " wearing some knee-high stockings " part, that was great, but you can also go with "after a whole day of training, i just had to take my shoes off, im wearing knee-high stockings, but dont worry, they are see through, so you can still see my toes as i relax for a bit". You see, information, creating the mood, and empowering.

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Jessy :)

Another thing, try using a few pics to create the story for the set. For exemple, every time you post a set on OF, you always let 2 or 3 pics available for free, try using some of those pics for "story reasons", like on your Chun Li post, one of the 3 pics is you holding the spikes, looking to the side, like if you spotted something. Based on that pic, you can create something like: "Im so glad i can finally rest for a while i... wait, what is that ? I knew it, Ryu and Ken are watching me undress !!! You know what, i beat their asses waaay too hard on the training today, i guess they deserve a little prize from me." So, using the pose in the picture to sculpture the lore for the text, its a nice touch. I know it feels like a lot, but i think you can get used to this super fast. The sets you create are so gorgeous, just feel the vibe of the pics, and have fun creating about it 😁. And, like i said, you have a bunch of sets already here on gunroad, if you think you need some practice, edit some of the descriptions, rewrite some of the texts until you start feeling the hand of it. And again, feel proud of your Chun Li description today, that was a huge improvement !!! Have a great day, Dani. (if you feel like you want an opinion on something, im more than glad to help)

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Jessy :)

Hi Dani! So, im the most distracted person in the world, i wrote those 2 wall of texts to answer you, and i forgot to say what i wanted to say since the beginning, your Chun Li cosplays are awesome!!! You posted some pics of your new Chun set, and i realized i didnt mention about how much i appreciate then 😁. I love the game since the Alpha series, and Chun was always special to me. Fun fact, i get to know you and follow your work when i saw the video of you wearing the black dress and doing the thousand kicks, thats when i knew you were awesome. So, yeah, great stuff as always, and again, sorry for the long answers from before, i need to learn to express myself in a better way, so maybe i wont forget important stuff like compliment people again 😅. Have a great day, take care !!!

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